Elementary (PK-6)
Mr. Brian Edmister "Mr. Ed"
Elementary Principal
Email: bedmister@genvalley.org
Phone: 585-268-7900
Mr. Brian Edmister has worked in education for over 30 years, 19 of them as Principal here at GV. Before GV Mr. Ed was a staff specialist at CA BOCES for two years, and a teacher at Franklinville Central School before that. He received his bachelor’s at Roberts Wesleyan College in N-6 Education, Master’s from Empire State College, and Certificate of Advanced Studies in Educational Leadership from SUNY Brockport.
“My favorite thing about this district are our students. We have the greatest bunch of kids anywhere. They are talented, kind, and creative. I have been very lucky to have had all three of my children growing up in this wonderful place called Genesee Valley! Of course, the students wouldn’t be who they are without the many incredible adults here who influence their days. GV is an amazing place, like no other.”
In his spare time, Mr. Ed likes to swim, kayak, lift weights, and generally pretend he’s a lot younger than he is. His favorite saying is “Those who say they can, and those who say they can’t are both right.”
Mrs. Maureena Chamberlain
PK-6th Administrative Assistant
Email: mchamberlain@genvalley.org
Phone: 585-268-7906
Maureena has worked at GVCS for the past 24 years. Her first 12 years she was a Teacher Assistant in the Library and the last 12 years she’s been an Administrative Assistant for the Elementary Office. “I really enjoy what I do and look forward to coming every day," she shared.
Maureena has been married to her high school sweetheart Chris for the past 39 years. They have two great daughters, Lindsey and Emily. When she is not working, Maureena likes to go for walks, read, exercise, camping and boating.
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